The 5th International Figure Painting Competition is now calling for entry! The purpose of the International Figure Painting Competition by NTD Television is to revive the traditional fine arts. All oil painting artists around the world are wholeheartedly invited to participate. Realistic figure paintings with traditional values are expected. Deadline for Register: July 15, 2019 Finalist Display: November 24-30, 2019 in New York Gold Medal Winner: $10,000 Details:
第五届“全世界人物写实油画大赛”将于2019年11月在纽约举行。大赛组委会欢迎您为恢復正统美术、表现传统价值而共襄盛举。本大赛机会难得,奖项众多: 1、金奖奖金:10,000美金; 2、在全世界发行的画册中收录您的作品; 3、获奖者有机会以特殊人才申请美国绿卡; 4、入围作品可以参与展览现场的拍卖。 入围作品展览日期:2019年11月24-30日 入围作品展览场地:纽约曼哈顿第五大道 Salmagundi Art Club(47 5th Avenue,New York,NY 10005) 热线 +001 888 878 6166 传真 +001 888 567 0906 电子邮件